Welcome Visitors!
What to expect
When visiting Hillcrest Community Church for the first time, you will will be greeted by a welcoming member of our church and be given a church bulletin. The bulletin gives the instructions for worship and details about church activities. Please feel free to sit in any pew. Song books and Bibles are in the holder of the seat ahead of you.
You may find some people to be dressed in “their Sunday best” while others may be a bit more casual. Our music style is a broad diversity of contemporary songs and traditional hymns of an older style, accompanied by either organ, piano or our Gulbransen digital hymnal. Sunday school starts at 10:00A.M. and ends at around 10:45A.M.. This time is a time for fellowship. The Sunday service begins at 11:00 A.M. and dismisses around 12:00 P.M. Please ask the greeter at the front door, if you are in need of any help or directions.
Sunday school starts at 10:00A.M. and ends at around 10:45A.M. This time is a time for fellowship.
The Sunday service begins at 11:00 A.M. and dismisses around 12:00 P.M.